The one thought that changed my life

Here’s the deal, you are exactly where you deserve to be. Read that again.

If you don’t like your situation, your income, your health, or anything else, let’s be very clear; it is YOUR fault.

That simple concept is called the “victim mentality”. We all like to put blame on others or outside circumstances. Stop me if you’ve heard any of the following bullshit excuses:

“my boss doesn’t like me”

“well, if I had money”

“if my parents paid for it”

“if I had more free time”

“it’s genetic”

and the list goes on. I am not going to spend hours debating each answer, but trust me, it is your fault. However the flip side of that, is that it is also under YOUR control. I can already hear people saying “you can’t control genetics” and while that is partially correct, you can control how you handle the hand you were dealt. Poor genetics plus a shitty lifestyle is not the same as poor genetics plus biohacking your life and environment to overcome deficiencies. It is under your control.

That change in mentality completely altered my life. I realized that nobody was coming to my rescue, it was up to me to take control, to educate myself and change from complaining about the system to becoming the system.

The thought that changed my life was understanding that whenever I have made a bad deal or wrong decision, I was the one to blame, and also the one to learn from it. I cannot blame contractors, tenants, the market, or anyone else. It is on 100% on me and I approach every deal and life in general with that mentality, and you should as well. Trust me, it might just alter your life forever!

Thank you for reading.

Mucho amor,



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