Why “hustling” will keep you poor.

We live in a culture of buzz words. Everyone thinks they need to be hustling, staying busy, grinding, and of course posting about it or “it didn’t happen”.

Let me tell you so we are clear, your chances of hustling your way to riches are slim to none. Your chances of being the next millionaire influencer, or the next internet sensation, or your homemade product becoming a worldwide sensation are just as good as winning the lottery, and that takes less effort.

Now, I am not saying you don’t have to “hustle” or work hard, of course you do, but you have to be deliberate about how and when you hustle.

Let me give you a personal example. Back in my old life as an engineer for a local company, I would never stay late to work, and I for sure would not go in on weekends. Of course my boss always threatened me with the fact that that was going to be reflected in my performance evaluation and I would likely get less money in my year end bonus (If any). “Fine” I always said. Half of that goes to the government anyways and when you work out the amount of hours I would have to commit to earn those extra dollars, I would be making peanuts per hour. Instead I used every minute away from work to find a way to leverage my time, skills and whatever money I had. See, I am a numbers guy and I realized early enough that you cannot save enough money to be wealthy. You need an accelerator, something that turns your small dollars into something more while you work, and more importantly while you don’t work.

Can you see where I am going with this? If you hustle and stay busy for 24 hours a day in your own new gig, you’re still trading your time (and life) for money. You’re limited to 24 hours per day. But if you have an accelerator, like stocks, REITS, assets, real estate, patents, etc, then you have a chance of turning little money into a little more, then that new money into a little more. I think you get my drift now right?

One of the two largest forces required for anyone to reach financial freedom are leverage and compounding. Once you understand the two, and become DELIBERATE at applying them to your “hustle” then you actually have a shot. Until then, you’re just grinding hard and making that hamster wheel spin faster and faster, but not going anywhere.

I will be writing new blogs on these two forces in the near future, but there many others who have already done it so google them and start changing your mind from being busy to leveraging your skills and money on your way to financial freedom.

Thank you for reading.

Mucho amor,



The one thought that changed my life


How getting fired turned me into a millionaire